“Should I leave my children’s inheritance to charity?” It’s a question that many parents grapple with, especially when considering the needs of their children and their personal philanthropic goals. It’s not just about the money—it’s about the message you want to leave behind and the impact you want to have.

Weighing Your Decision

When you’re thinking about leaving an inheritance to charity instead of your children, it’s not just about whether they need the money. It’s also about what values you want to pass on. Maybe you want to encourage your children to earn their own success, or you hope to leave a legacy that reflects your life’s passions and commitments.

Guidance from a Professional

A Will and Trust Lawyer is your go-to professional for navigating these waters. They can explain how your decision can be structured within your will or trust, ensuring your wishes are met while also considering the well-being of your family and your chosen charities.

Crafting Your Legacy

Together with your lawyer, you can explore different ways to include charity in your estate plan. This could mean setting aside a portion of your estate for charitable giving or even establishing a charitable trust that can offer ongoing support to your chosen causes.

Clear Communication

One of the most important steps in this process is communication. Discussing your intentions with your children can help manage expectations and provide them with a clear understanding of your reasons. This conversation can be a valuable part of your legacy, too, reflecting your beliefs and your hopes for their future.

Getting Help

If the idea of leaving your children’s inheritance to charity is on your mind and you’re looking for detailed advice, our law firm is ready to assist. Contact us today for a comprehensive consultation and be sure to mention this article for a focused discussion on your specific needs.


This article is a service of Miller & Miller Law Group. We do not just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love.




What happens if an heir dies before an estate is distributed? https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/business/estate-planning-dying-before-the-distribution/article_c4cd9290-855c-11ee-96ae-9b5fcfe0b8f4.html

Dear Abby: My husband won’t share his inheritance with me. https://nypost.com/2023/11/19/lifestyle/dear-abby-my-husband-wont-share-his-inheritance-with-me/

Take a guess: what do you think the average inheritance in the United States is? https://www.benzinga.com/personal-finance/financial-advisors/23/11/35896542/what-is-the-average-inheritance-in-the-us-the-answer-may-be-less-than-you-exp