Protecting Your Home (and Your Heart) in Later-Life Marriages

Finding love later in life is a beautiful thing. But sometimes, the realities of life and past decisions can throw a wrench into the fairy tale. A common scenario I encounter as a New York estate lawyer involves couples where one spouse moves into a home owned by the other’s adult children. It’s a situation […]

Protecting Your Children When You’re Their Only Parent

As a single parent, your plate is already full. You’re juggling work, childcare, school activities, and maybe even a bit of “me time” (if you’re lucky!). It’s understandable that estate planning might not be at the top of your to-do list. But let’s face it: one of the biggest worries for single parents is, “What […]

Should Your Healthcare Agent and Power of Attorney Be the Same Person?

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to put off estate planning. But as a New York estate lawyer, I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to have your affairs in order, especially when it comes to healthcare decisions and financial management. Two key roles in your estate plan are […]

The Power of Trusts in Protecting Your Legacy

The Graceland scam highlights a chilling reality: when someone passes away, their estate often becomes public record. This means anyone, including opportunistic scammers, can access details about your assets and your beneficiaries. This vulnerability can lead to various schemes, from simple pressure tactics to complex legal maneuvers aimed at diverting your hard-earned wealth. How Trusts […]

Safeguarding Your Future as a Physician

If you’re a new doctor building your practice or a seasoned physician branching out on your own, it’s time to give serious thought to asset protection planning. Did you know that doctors are among the top professionals targeted in lawsuits? It’s not a matter of “if” but “when” you might face a claim. In New […]

Family Tensions and Healthcare Decisions

Sadly, family feuds are more common than we’d like to admit. These tensions can become incredibly stressful and even more so when one family member experiences a health crisis. If you’re remarried and your adult children don’t get along with your new spouse, it’s natural to worry about potential conflicts during a time when support […]

Why Setting Up a Trust is a Smart Move When Buying a New Home

Buying a new home is more than just a significant financial investment; it’s a key component of your overall estate. As you embark on this exciting journey, it’s crucial to consider how this asset will be managed, both now and in the future. One effective strategy for managing real estate assets is setting up a […]

Key Differences of Revocable vs. Irrevocable Trusts

When it comes to estate planning, understanding the different types of trusts available is crucial. Two common types are revocable and irrevocable trusts, each with its own set of features and benefits. As a trust attorney, I often encounter questions about the differences between these two types of trusts and which one might be the […]

Preparing for Life’s Surprises: Estate Planning for the Unexpected

Life is full of surprises, and while we can’t predict every turn, we can prepare for the unexpected. Whether it’s sudden incapacitation or an unforeseen financial shift, having a comprehensive estate plan can provide much-needed peace of mind. As experienced Will and Trust Lawyers, we understand the importance of being prepared for every eventuality. The […]