Navigating Assisted Living Concerns

When the time comes to consider assisted living for a loved one, families often find themselves with a list of questions and concerns. It’s a big transition, and understanding the financial implications is crucial. Here’s where an elder lawyer can offer clarity and guidance to help you make informed decisions. Will Assisted Living Force the […]

Understanding Powers of Attorney and Guardianships for Seniors

If you’ve ever questioned the difference between guardianships and powers of attorney for seniors, you’re not alone. As a New York elder lawyer, I often field questions about these two distinct yet related legal mechanisms. Here’s an explanation to help you understand the nuances of each. Guardianships Explained Guardianships typically come into play when an […]

Understanding Sundowning and When to Seek Support

As an elder lawyer, I often counsel families grappling with the challenges of caring for a loved one with dementia. A common and particularly distressing symptom of dementia is sundowning, characterized by increased confusion, agitation, and restlessness during the late afternoon and evening. Understanding what happens during sundowning and when to seek support can help […]

Safeguarding Your Future: Legal Tips for Unmarried Seniors Cohabiting

As we age, companionship and shared responsibilities become more valuable. Many seniors are choosing cohabitation over solitude for mutual support and to cut costs. However, this arrangement brings about some legal nuances that need addressing. Here, we will delve into the necessary legal steps for unmarried seniors living together. Financial Talks are Crucial Money matters […]

Pros and Cons of Adding an Adult Child to a Bank Account

Are you a senior who is contemplating adding an adult child to your bank account to help manage your finances? It may seem like an easy solution for getting assistance with bill payments, but it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons before taking action. We are here to guide you through this decision. The […]

Can the Nursing Home Take Your Loved One’s Life Insurance?

If you have a parent in a nursing home, you’re likely facing a lot of difficult decisions and stressful situations. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, but it’s important to remember that you have options and resources available to you. One question that often comes up is whether the nursing home can take a loved one’s […]

Why an Elder Law Attorney Is Critical When Planning


If there is an aging loved one in your life or you have personal concerns about future health and finances, an elder law attorney can be a valuable resource for planning. Elder law is a highly specialized area of law focusing on the legal needs of older adults encompassing more significant issues like long-term health […]